Reviewer's Guide

Reviewers are those who evaluate the research paper based on their expertise. The Divine Word International Journal of Management and Humanities has its own guidelines for evaluating a research paper and to be followed by the reviewers.

The following are important areas that need to be considered in the acceptance of a research paper.

1. Originality.

2. Its suitability with methodology and structural requirements of the journal.

3. Contribution and research depth.

4. Title reflects the content of the paper.

5. Abstract includes research objective, data, methodology, and main contribution/finding.

6. The introduction is well organized, including why the study is conducted, the importance of the topic, the research gap, and the objectives. The last paragraph of the introduction should introduce the sequence of the paper. For example, the first part is the Introduction explains…the second part is the literature review that explains……..the third part is the research methodology which includes…….the fourth part is data presentation and analysis which presents data…….the fifth part is the result and discussion and the conclusion…….

7. The literature review should be segmented into two parts: Conceptual and Theoretical Review. Authors should add several related up-to-date citations from top-tier journals in Scopus.

8. Conceptual framework (if there is no framework, research questions (Statement of the problems. Are the research questions/research problems linked to the theories of the study?

9. Research methodology: Research design, population, the locale of the study, research instruments, data gathering procedures, ethics review, statistical treatment of data.

10. Data presentation: It is arranged according to the statement of the problem or research questions.

11. Result and discussion: Does the author elaborate on the result in-depth and build implications?

12. Conclusions: authors evaluated the obtained results, including a proven working hypothesis, assessment of the research and results, analysis, attention to specific problems, guidelines for future research, suggestions, and recommendations.

13. Does the references follow APA and DOI?

14. Additional questions:

a. Does the paper contribute to the body of knowledge?

b. Is the paper technically sound?

c. Is the subject matter presented in a comprehensive manner?

d. Are the references provided applicable and sufficient?

e. Are there references that are not appropriate for the topic being discussed?

f. If yes, then please indicate which references should be removed.

Decision: Accept it with revision or without revision or reject.